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[Draft] Module 4: Information Design


Courses based on this module should:

Learning Outcomes for Module

Students should be able to:


Skills required for this module:



Topics to Teach

Topics to achieve the learning outcomes:

Topic: Textual Information

Present ways to split large amounts of text into smaller pieces, such as by using headings and chapter marks to identify parts of the content and pages to split the content into logical units.

Discuss mechanisms to supplement information presented only with text, such as use of icons and other visual cues.

Learning Outcomes for Topic

Students should be able to:

  • design user interfaces that support splitting large amounts of text into several smaller and more manageable pieces, for example by using headings, pages, and chapter marks
  • design user interfaces that support additional ways to convey information presented in text, for example using icons and other visual cues
  • design user interfaces that support mechanisms to identify specific definitions of words and meaning of phrases, such as professional terms, idioms, and jargon
  • design user interfaces that support mechanisms to identify the expanded form or meaning of acronyms and abbreviations
  • identify related requirements for developers to make language programmatically determined
  • identify related requirements for content authors to provide clear language and easy-to-read texts whenever possible

Teaching Ideas for Topic

Optional ideas to teach the learning outcomes:

  • Show examples of large amounts of text, for example an ebook. Discuss several ways to divide the text both visually and programmatically so that it is easier to understand and to navigate, for example by using headings and several pages.
  • Show examples of how icons, charts, and graphics can complement information presented in text. Explain that they help users with reading disabilities understand difficult pieces of text. For reference on how to provide visual illustrations, pictures, and symbols to help explain ideas, events, and processes, see technique G103: Providing visual illustrations, pictures, and symbols to help explain ideas, events, and processes.
  • Show examples of words that may be difficult to understand or that are used in a restricted way. Explain that users with cognitive disabilities or those not familiar with such words need definitions to understand the meaning of such words. Explain that defining the mechanisms to provide such definitions is a designers’ responsibility, whereas providing the definitions is a responsibility shared with the content author. For references on how to provide the definition of a word or phrase used in an unusual or restricted way, see technique G101: Providing the definition of a word or phrase used in an unusual or restricted way.
  • Show examples of abbreviations, such as short forms of words and acronyms. Explain that users with cognitive disabilities and those not familiar with the abbreviations need an explanation or an expansion of that abbreviation to understand their meaning. Explain that defining the mechanisms to provide such explanations or expansions is a designers’ responsibility, whereas providing the explanations or expansions is a responsibility shared with the content author. For references on how to provide the expansion or explanation of an abbreviation, see technique G102: Providing the expansion or explanation of an abbreviation.

Ideas to Assess Knowledge for Topic

Optional ideas to support assessment:

  • Practical — Present students with an ebook and ask them to define how it should be split into smaller and more manageable pieces so that it can be easier to navigate and understand. Assess how students use mechanisms to split large amounts of text into smaller and more manageable pieces, such as headings, pages, and chapter marks.
  • Practical — Present students with unusual words and abbreviations and ask them to define a mechanism to provide the explanation of such words or the expansion of the abbreviations. Assess how students define a mechanism to provide explanations of unusual words and expansions of abbreviations.

Topic: Tabular Information

Explain different ways in which people with disabilities access tabular information. For example, splitting a complex table into several simpler tables, and splitting the information in the table into individual lists.

Learning Outcomes for Topic

Students should be able to:

  • identify uses of tables to present data that share a logical relationship
  • design user interfaces that support multiple ways of presenting tabular information, such as using several lists, or splitting a complex table into several simpler ones
  • define table header cells and data cells, and provide clear and distinguishable styles for each
  • identify related requirements for content authors to write table descriptions that provide information about what the table is about
  • identify related requirements for developers to programmatically associate table descriptions, data cells, and header cells with their corresponding table

Teaching Ideas for Topic

Optional ideas to teach the learning outcomes:

  • Show examples of different types of information presented in tables. Explain that tables are used when there is a logical relationship between the information presented, for example when displaying a list of events with their date and venue.
  • Refer back to Module 2: Flexible Layout and Design Topic: Flexible Design and explain that some users may require different ways of presenting tabular information. Explain that these include splitting complex tables into simpler ones and using lists to group the logically related information.
  • Show examples of table data cells and header cells. Discuss with students which of these cells should be the header cells and which should be the data cells. Emphasize that the relation between the table data cells and header cells needs to be perceived both visually and programmatically for users to understand their relations, and that clear styles should be provided. Explain that providing the styles is a designer’s responsibility, whereas establishing the programmatic relationship is a responsibility shared with the developers.

Ideas to Assess Knowledge for Topic

Optional ideas to support assessment:

  • Practical — Give students a set of tables and ask them to define their header cells and data cells. Assess how students understand the difference between header cells and data cells.
  • Practical — Present students with a set of tables and ask them to provide clear styles to distinguish data cells from header cells. Assess how students provide clear and distinguishable styles for header cells and data cells.

Topic: Forms and Controls

Show examples of how different groups of people interact with large amounts of selectable data, such as a list of countries. Explain that some prefer filtering out data into smaller pieces to better handle them, some other prefer to type the first letters of their desire option to select it more efficiently.

Learning Outcomes for Topic

Students should be able to:

  • design user interfaces that support grouping of related form controls, such as those collecting personal information, payment methods, and consent to legal conditions
  • design user interfaces that support filtering data from data lists and grids, for example using search boxes or splitting the data set into smaller subsets of data
  • design user interfaces that support keyboard navigation to specific list items of data lists and grids, for example using first letter navigation
  • design user interfaces that support customizing the results that are shown at a given time

Teaching Ideas for Topic

Optional ideas to teach the learning outcomes:

  • Show examples of form controls that share the same purpose, such as those collecting personal information, payment methods, and consent to legal conditions. Explain that grouping them is essential for some people to interact and fill in such forms and is useful for all users. Discuss several ways to group those controls both visually and programmatically, such as using proximity relations or putting each of the groups on a dedicated step of the process. Explain that designing the grouping relations and defining how they look like is a designers’ responsibility, whereas coding those relations is a developers’ responsibility.
  • Show examples of long lists of data, such as lists of countries or cities on a travel application. Explain that these lists are difficult to navigate with the keyboard, as it takes a long time to go through the different options one by one by pressing the arrow keys. Discuss several ways to make these interactions more efficient, such as providing ways for the user to type the first letters of their desired option, which reduces the amount of shown results, and providing ways for people to filter the data they want revealed by the use of pseudo-search boxes.

Ideas to Assess Knowledge for Topic

Optional ideas to support assessment:

  • Practical — Students group related information in a form that asks for information to open a bank account. Asses how students build groups of related information, such as those collecting personal information, payment methods, and consent to legal conditions, and how students provide ways for users to identify each of the groups.

Ideas to Assess Knowledge for Module

Optional ideas to support assessment:

Teaching Resources

Suggested resources to support your teaching:

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